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Senior Capstone Week 5 - Dry Run/ Research

Writer's picture: Krysta RolleKrysta Rolle

This week, my class and I sat in lab and performed a dry run scenario for our mission while gazing over a map of the county park. We staged everything out so that the mission could be executed on 2/11/19 and chose who would go out on the first mission by availability. Since one of our goals is to analyze the water levels of the local Wabash River, we simply chose a platform and sensor that can produce high quality photos and would be effective for our mission; We chose the Bramor with an RGB sensor. We chose the North Fields as our landing and take off points since that location is far away from any obstructions, and provides adequate space for takeoff and landing. My peers and I all downloaded a "walkie-talkie" app to our to test our communication options. While the app did work in class, we will do further testing with the app to ensure that it will work at the part locations. Lastly, we also checked for upcoming park events to make sure we were not going to plan flight operations near any crowded events. Unfortunately, we are still waiting to fly due to low temperatures, rain, and snow.

Tippecanoe County Park Map (Park Loop Outlined in Red)


I have been working on an outline for the journal article and sifting through articles that I can use in the future. One of those articles stuck out to me. To give a short insight of ,UAS Traffic Management (UTM) Concept of Operations to Safely Enable Low Altitude Flight Operations, it delves into the many flaws of the commercial UAS industry when it comes to low airspace. The article describes NASA's traffic management efforts in low airspace and how it can change the commercial UAS industry. For those of you who want to read it, the citation is below.


Prevot, Thomas & Rios, Joseph & Kopardekar, Parimal & Robinson III, John & Johnson, Marcus & Jung, Jaewoo. (2016). UAS Traffic Management (UTM) Concept of Operations to Safely Enable Low Altitude Flight Operations. 10.2514/6.2016-3292.

Next Steps:

As a class, we will go through the checklists to ensure their order makes sense and to make sure no important steps were forgotten.

I will continue to work on the journal article outline

I will continue to save articles using Endnote

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