For the start of my spring semester capstone course, my team I are pre-planning for the later flight upcoming in the semester. With the low temperatures in Indiana this time of year, we will have a great deal of work that we can occupy ourselves with over the next few weeks. I will be delivering weekly updates on our progress here. My primary role for the group is the author. I will mainly handle any writing of important documents, organizing important documents, and writing the final paper of our project details. To add, I will also be a part of the flight team once the weather cooperates.
Before classes started on January 7th, I wrote up a courtesy notice to any park authority that may have any inquiry about our project. While this is not legally necessary, it is hyper-aware to let authority know about flight operations in their area. Also, I chose to have everyone upload their progress to our class google doc so that we can all gauge progress among the class.
Below is a draft of the notice that is subject to change in the near future
Purdue UAS Aviation
Weekly Proposed Flight Operations
To whom it may concern,
The Purdue University School of Aviation and Transportation Technology capstone class is conducting UAS/drone flight operations within the area of the Tippecanoe County Amphitheater. This research project will commence on or around the 14th of January until May of this year. The purpose of this notification is to inform you of the flight operations. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact the project manager Thomas Gonya at or the POC for that day.
The following information will be placed in a table that depicts the Purdue UAS departments flight operations for the upcoming week.
Aircraft Type
Point of Contact (POC)
Managing Data (Class Time)
For this class period, our Data Manager, Evan Hockridge led a discussion on how to manage our field data, and we worked with him on how to organize our future data. In terms of accessibility, the class chose to make the general access of data read only instead of editable files. This was chosen because there was no primary need for peers in the class to edit any information on the files. Also, this would minimize the chance of any mishaps, such as accidentally deleting the files, to occur.
For our missions flights, we had to decide how to name our files since they are all going into a common folder. The month, aircraft type, sensor and altitude were all chosen to go into the file name. As a result, the file name will look something like this . mmdd_ac_sensor_altitude
For metadata the following format was chosen by the class as necessary information.
1. Location/Mission Code:
2. Date & Time:
3. Aircraft:
4. Sensor:
5. Altitude:
6. Overlap Setting:
7. Sensor Angle:
8. Sky Condition & Weather:
9. Crew & Roles:
10. Submitter of Data:
11. Notes:
12. Custom:
Below is a table of the metadata information recorded in class
Future steps
While most of the information that is presented here is straightforward, I will need do some research into sky conditions and weather. We all agreed that we need to know how to describe sky conditions accurately. For example, we need to know what overcast, scattered, etc. looks like. Also, I will need to create folders for us to organize all necessary files that we create for this project.